Examples of Exotic Short Haired Cats

‍Short hair is a blessing for all cat lovers who are looking for the perfect feline companion that doesn’t need much maintenance. Short-haired cats have an advantage when it comes to indoor living, especially if you live in a humid environment where long hair can get tangled and matted easily. Even with their advantages, most people still perceive short-haired cats as less appealing than their longhaired counterparts. So if you’re a lover of exotic cats, but not so much of the common longhaired variety, here is an insight into some of the most popular short haired cat breeds that are often termed ‘exotic’ due to their unique appearance and temperament.


Known for their distinctive spotted coat and muscular build, the Bengal cat is one of the most popular breeds of short haired cats. These cats are hybrids that result from interbreeding between an Asian Leopard Cat and a domestic cat. The Bengal is one of the most active cat breeds and is ideal for those who value an active lifestyle and enjoy the company of a feline friend that loves to play and cuddle. Bengal cats love water, and will often seek out water bowls and even showers. Due to their active nature, a Bengal may not be the best choice for a household with small children. These cats are known to enjoy water, so a bath may not be an enjoyable experience for your cat. Bengal cats require more attention and maintenance than other short-haired cats due to their increased activity levels and need for a consistent grooming routine. Bengal cats have a high amount of oils in their fur, which can make it difficult to maintain. In order to keep your Bengal’s coat looking clean and healthy, it is best to comb and brush your cat on a regular basis.


Chantilly-Angora cats are bred from long-haired cats that originated in France and a domestic breed. Their name comes from the Chantilly region in France, where they originated, and Angora, which refers to the long-haired breed. Although they are bred as short-haired cats, their long coats require regular grooming to avoid tangles and mats. Chantilly-Angora cats not only look exotic, but also have a very friendly and playful personality. Due to their playful nature, children and other pets in the household are safe with a Chantilly-Angora. These cats are great for families with children due to their playful and friendly nature. Due to their friendly and playful nature, they will love to spend time with you and be a great companion at home. They are highly social, and you may even find that they are okay with spending time with other animals. Chantilly-Angora cats have very high maintenance when it comes to grooming. Their long fur requires regular brushing and combing to avoid mats and tangles. Due to their high maintenance, these cats are not ideal for people who are looking for a low-maintenance cat. In order to maintain a clean and healthy coat, these cats need to be groomed regularly.

Havana Brown

The Havana Brown is a short-haired cat that has a long coat, making it an ideal breed for people who want a short haired cat that has less maintenance than a long haired cat. They are bred from a Siamese and a domestic short-haired breed. These cats have an elegant and graceful appearance that makes them stand out from other short haired breeds. Havana Browns are very friendly and make great companions for households with children and other pets. They are known for being very intelligent and have a very playful nature. Therefore, these cats will love spending time with you and being a part of the family. Havana Brown cats are medium-high maintenance when it comes to grooming. Their long coat needs to be brushed and combed on a regular basis to avoid mats and tangles. In addition to this, their coat needs to be groomed as often as daily in order to keep it clean and healthy. These cats are not ideal for people who are looking for a low-maintenance cat.

Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is a short-haired cat bred from a Manx and a Siamese. These cats have very distinctive markings and a bobbed tail, which is where they get their name from. Japanese Bobtails are very friendly and make excellent companions for households with children and other pets. Japanese Bobtails are very easy to train and are often recommended for people who are looking for a low-maintenance cat. These cats are very friendly and will love spending time with you and being a part of the family. They are very intelligent and have a playful nature, making them a fantastic companion at home. Japanese Bobtails are low maintenance when it comes to grooming. Their short coat does not require as much grooming as other breeds. In order to keep their coat healthy and clean, it is recommended to brush them on a regular basis.


The Kinkalow is bred from a Manx and a Siamese and has a long coat. These cats are often mistaken for being a long-haired cat due to their long coat, but actually have short hair with long fur. Kinkalows have a very friendly and playful personality and make a great companion for households with children and other pets. They are very easy to train and are a great choice for people who are looking for a low-maintenance cat. These cats will love spending time with you and being a part of the family. Kinkalows are very high maintenance when it comes to grooming. Their long coat needs to be brushed and combed on a regular basis in order to avoid mats and tangles. In addition to this, their coat needs to be groomed as often as daily in order to keep it clean and healthy. These cats are not ideal for people who are looking for a low-maintenance cat.

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Persian Shore

The Persian Shore is a short-haired cat bred from a Persian and a Siamese. These cats have a very graceful and elegant appearance and are known for their blue eyes. They have a very playful and friendly personality and are a great companion for households with children and other pets.