Tigers are beautiful and majestic animals. While it is commonly known that owning any type of wild animal as a pet is illegal, many people are still willing to take the risk. They may frequently be seen on sites like Craigslist or social media pages like Facebook where ads will ask if you want to “adopt” one. The reasons why someone would want to keep a tiger as a pet range from the exotic appeal and status symbol to genuine affection for these beautiful animals. But are these reasons enough to own one? Clearly, anyone who has kept a wild animal as a pet knows they’re taking on quite an endeavor. The following article explains some of the risks associated with keeping tigers as pets and what you should know before even considering such an undertaking.
How Big Is a Tiger?
Depending on the species, adult tigers can be up to 10 feet long (including the tail) and can weigh up to 500 pounds. This is nearly the size of a small horse! Make sure you are prepared to house a large and powerful animal that needs room to run and exercise. More importantly, you need to be prepared for what will happen when you cannot control it. Adult tigers have very sharp teeth, and they can be very aggressive when they are confined in small spaces. When they get agitated, they will knock things over and break through things in order to get out and feel more in control. So it’s not only the animal that is at risk. You are also putting your friends and family at risk when you keep a tiger as a pet.
Owning a Wild Animal is Illegal
It is illegal to own a wild animal as a pet. This is because they are extremely difficult (if not impossible) to care for in a domestic setting. Wild animals are not domesticated animals, which means they are used to living in a home setting. Simply put, wild animals do not behave or respond to training in the same way domesticated animals do. And even if you can provide the necessary care, there are other issues to consider. Wild animals are ferocious by nature and can be very dangerous. Their feces are heavily infectious and can transmit disease to humans. If you are caught with a wild animal, there is a very real chance you will be arrested and charged with a crime, which may come with a hefty fine or even jail time. But the biggest consequence of keeping a wild animal as a pet is knowing that you are causing it unnecessary suffering.
The Costs of Owning a Tiger
As you read above, owning a wild animal is extremely costly. Tigers are usually very expensive to purchase, and you need to plan for the long-term costs of caring for one as well. Keep in mind that you will have to have a large enclosure built specifically for a tiger. This can cost thousands of dollars and will need to be replaced as the tiger grows. You may also need permits and immunizations that can cost hundreds of dollars. You will also likely need to buy the best quality food for your tiger, which can become expensive. And tigers need lots of enrichment materials to help them stay active and engaged in the enclosure. You will also likely need to hire a professional to help you with your tiger. This can include an animal control expert, a veterinarian, or an insurance company. And keep in mind that if you do not have the necessary permits and immunizations, you may need to pay for them with your own money.
The Care Requirements of a Tiger
Wild animals are not domesticated. They do not respond to training the same way that a dog or a cat would. In fact, most wild animals will not respond to any training at all. They are simply too wild. They are also very dangerous because they have not been trained to interact with humans in a safe way. If you are bitten or scratched by a wild animal, you do not know what diseases you might contract. You cannot risk being around people and especially children who cannot defend themselves if they are exposed to these diseases. Tigers need lots of space to run and exercise. In fact, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums recommends that the enclosure for a tiger be at least 1,000 square feet! This is a major commitment, not only in terms of the initial cost of the enclosure but also in terms of the amount of land required.
Confining and Transporting a Tiger
Tigers are typically kept in large enclosures, but you will also likely need to transport them from place to place. Transporting a tiger is a dangerous, if not deadly, situation. If you are lucky, the tiger will escape injury. More likely, the tiger will injure a person who is unfortunate enough to be in the same vehicle as it. Additionally, confining a tiger to a small space like a vehicle can cause extreme stress to the animal. It is also illegal to transport a tiger in a vehicle unless you have the correct permits and are transporting it to a veterinarian or an event. The only way to safely and legally transport a tiger is by using a professional service that has trained staff and a specialized vehicle. Otherwise, you are endangering the lives of the people and animals involved.
Summing Up
Owning a wild animal is extremely costly and dangerous. You must first be able to provide the proper environment for it. This includes the enclosure, the size of the enclosure, and the type of environment the animal comes from. You must also be able to properly feed the animal and care for it. Wild animals are not domesticated and do not respond to training in the same way that a dog or a cat would. You must then be able to properly confine and transport the animal. This includes having an enclosure that is large enough for the animal and that can be safely transported from one place to another. If you do not live in a state where it is legal to own a wild animal as a pet, then there is nothing to be gained by owning one. Owning a wild animal is not only dangerous, but it is also cruel.