The Pros and Cons of Keeping Flying Squirrels

‍Flying squirrels are adorable, curious, and clever little creatures. They are so intelligent that they can even be trained as pets. Keeping a flying squirrel as a pet is not difficult at all, but you need to know what you’re getting into first before deciding on it. Are you ready to take care of one? Let’s see if flying squirrels make good pets or not!

What is a Flying Squirrel?

A flying squirrel is a type of rodent that has an excellent ability to fly. There are two kinds of flying squirrels, the northern flying squirrel and the southern flying squirrel. The former is found in the northern parts of North America, and the latter is found in the southern parts of North America. Flying squirrels are not actually squirrels but are a species of rodents called the Sciurids. The name ‘flying squirrel’ isn’t entirely correct because these rodents don’t actually fly. They glide from tree to tree with the help of a flap of skin between their legs and their two front legs.

How the Flying Squirrel Soars

The adoption process of flying squirrels

There are many flying squirrels in shelters and rescues. Many are abandoned or found injured or sick by Good Samaritans, who bring them to a shelter or rescue. Before you adopt a flying squirrel, think about your lifestyle and the amount of time you can devote to taking care of it. If you’re a student or have a very demanding job, a flying squirrel might not be a good idea. Flying squirrels are highly active, and they need a lot of attention and care. Young squirrels need to be trained and socialized, and you must give them plenty of attention. If you don’t have the time to do that and commit to flying squirrels, don’t adopt them. If you want to adopt a flying squirrel, contact a nearby shelter or wildlife rescue.

Housing for pet flying squirrels

You can keep flying squirrels in cages, but the best housing, especially for flying squirrels, is a large enclosure called a habitat. Flying squirrels are very active and playful and need lots of space to move around. Flying squirrels can be kept indoors or outdoors. If kept indoors, the enclosure should have proper ventilation and a place where the squirrels can sit in the shade. Flying squirrels are vulnerable to predators, so they need to be kept where they are safe and cannot be attacked or eaten by other creatures. Flying squirrels are very active and playful, and need an enclosure that is at least five feet by five feet. The height of the enclosure should be at least 11 feet so they have enough room to glide from one end to the other. Flying squirrels like to climb, so the enclosure should have lots of wooden branches or something similar for them to climb on. The enclosure must have soft, absorbent flooring so the squirrels can sit on it and be comfortable. The enclosure should be fitted with a nest box where the squirrels can sleep.

Care and feeding of pet flying squirrels

Flying squirrels need lots of attention, love, and care. They are social animals, so you should ideally keep them in pairs. Keep two males together only if they are related to each other.They can hurt or injure each other. Flying squirrels are omnivorous, which means they eat both meat and plants. They are not fussy eaters and will eat almost anything. You can feed flying squirrels commercial flying squirrel food, cat or dog food, or fruits and vegetables. Give them a variety of food to keep them healthy. You can also give them nuts and grains. Fresh water should be available to them at all times.

Pros of Having A Flying Squirrel As A Pet

There are many benefits of having a flying squirrel as a pet. Flying squirrels are very friendly and affectionate animals and like to cuddle and be close to their owners. They are very playful and love running around the house and playing. Flying squirrels are very intelligent and can be trained to do various tricks. They are easy to take care of and don’t need much space or care. They live long lives and are great pets for people with busy lifestyles. Flying squirrels are very sociable and like to be kept in pairs. They also love company and will enjoy the company of other people and animals. Flying squirrels are very clean animals and don’t smell bad like some other rodents do. They are nocturnal, so they will be active during the night when most people are sleeping.

Cons of Having A Flying Squirrel As A Pet

There are not too many negative things about flying squirrels as pets. The only thing you must keep in mind is that they are nocturnal, so you won’t see them out and about during the day unless they are in a cage. Flying squirrels will also go to sleep during the day, so you won’t be able to play with them during the day. Flying squirrels are very high-maintenance pets and need a lot of attention and care. They need a large enclosure and must be let out often for them to play and exercise. You also need to clean their enclosure regularly. Flying squirrels are very social animals and should ideally be kept in pairs. They are nocturnal, so you won’t see them during the day. They also like to play and be active during the night when most people are asleep.


That wraps up our discussion on flying squirrels. These little creatures make wonderful and affectionate pets, but you need to be prepared and have the time to take care of them properly. A flying squirrel will be your best friend and companion if you care for it properly and give it what it needs.