The Mini Crab, a Low Maintenance Pet
Mini crabs are fascinating pets that can be kept in a small tank. They’re also known as ghost or spider crabs, because of their appearance and ability to climb vertical surfaces. These are some of the smallest marine crabs you can keep in…
837The Amazing Fire Bellied Toad
Fire Bellied Toads are an amazing species of amphibian. They’re charismatic and have a unique appearance that makes it easy for owners to fall in love with them. Keeping a Fire Bellied Toad as a pet isn’t difficult. In fact, these little…
748How to Care for a Sea Monkey at Home
Sea monkeys, also known as sea monkeys or aqua monkeys, are a type of aquatic freshwater hybrid that is commonly sold as a pet. They are similar to frogs in their aquatic environment and appearance, but they are not actually amphibians.…
763The Pea Puffer as an Aquatic Pet
Even though these little guys are small, their personalities are big! Pea puffers are fun-loving and interactive fish. They explore their surroundings and love to interact with their owners. The pea puffer is the perfect pet for a family or…
786Owning a Mickey Mouse Platy
Mickey Mouse is a popular cartoon character. He’s been around for 90 years and has left an indelible mark on the world. Because he’s so famous, one of the best fish you can add to your Mickey Mouse-themed aquarium is the Mickey Mouse…
766How to Keep Zebra fish at Home
Keeping zebra fish at home is a fun and rewarding hobby. When cared for properly, zebrafish can live for up to six years. These bright and entertaining fish are easy to maintain and make excellent pets for beginners. They are also relatively…
743The White Cloud Mountain Minnow
The White Cloud Mountain minnow is a small, schooling fish that’s easy to keep and makes a great beginner fish. Also known as the white cloud mountain trout, these little guys are native to Japan and other parts of East Asia. They’re…
818The Social and Intelligent Iguana
If you’re looking for a fun, exotic pet that’s also low-maintenance, an iguana might be the ideal choice for you. These curious reptiles are sociable and intelligent, making them great companions as well as house pets. In addition, they…
928How to Care for a Bearded Dragon
Caring for a bearded dragon can be time-consuming, but it’s also very rewarding. These big lizards are very friendly and affectionate towards their human caretakers, which makes them great pets. Bearded dragons are inquisitive and…
880Housing, Feeding and Care of the Crested Gecko
In the last decade, reptile keeping has increased in popularity. From snakes and lizards to turtles and tortoises, there is a wide range of pet reptiles available. If you’re thinking about adding a gecko to your family, here is everything…
922What Makes the Corn Snake a Popular Pet?
The Corn Snake is one of the most popular pet snakes because of their docile nature and low maintenance needs. Their large size, vibrant colors, and tendency to feed on mice instead of other snakes make them an attractive option for pet…
912Why The Milk Snake Might be a Perfect Pet
If you’ve been keeping up with the world of pet trends, you probably know that more and more people are choosing to own reptiles as pets instead of traditional domesticated animals. The milk snake is one of the most popular choices for…
923How to Look After a Ball Python
Keeping a ball python as a pet is not an easy task. They are shy, slow-moving snakes that need to be handled carefully at all times. However, with the right set-up and attention, you can keep a ball python as your pet. Keep reading for more…
800All You Need to Know about Keeping a Tortoise
Keeping a tortoise as a pet can be an amazing experience, but it isn’t the right choice for everyone. These reptiles are very specific in their needs and aren’t likely to adapt to new conditions easily. If you’re willing to make the…
774All You Need to Know About Caring for Terrapins
Keeping a terrapin turtle as a pet can be a rewarding experience for both you and your new pet. Turtles make excellent company and are fairly low maintenance pets to keep. They’re also ideal pets for those living in apartments or other…
783What Happens at a Dog Groomer?
When you adopt a dog, you want to do everything in your power to show your love and appreciation for this new member of your family. From getting them the best food, toys, and bed to getting them ready for cold weather, there are lots of ways to…
699What Can a Veterinary Acupuncturist do for Your Pets?
Acupuncture has been used as a healing method for humans and animals alike for thousands of years. Although it’t not exactly clear how or why it works, numerous studies have proven that acupuncture can be very beneficial to those that…
698How to Find the Right Trainer for Your Pet
When it comes to your pet’s fitness, trust is a big deal. You want to be sure that the person or company you hire to help your pet lose weight or get in shape is trustworthy. You want someone who genuinely cares about your pet and isn’t…
686Different Types of Pet Boarding Facilities
Pet boarding facilities provide a way for busy pet owners to give their animals the care and attention they need. If you have plans that require you to leave your pet for extended periods of time, you may want to consider pet boarding…
733All You Need to Know About Dog Breeders
If you’re thinking of adding a dog to your family, you may want to consider adopting one from a local breeder. Many dog breeders operate as non-profit organizations or charities, with their main goal being to re-home homeless dogs in need…
877What Does The Arizona Animal Welfare League do?
The Arizona Animal Welfare League is a private non-profit organization that has been operating for more than 100 years. As one of the oldest charities in the state, it has become well-versed in helping those who need it most. The AZAWL focuses…
786The New York Bully Crew
The New York Bully Crew (NYBC) is a new hybrid gang of pit bull lovers who operate under the mantra that these dogs are misunderstood. They believe in redemption, not condemnation, and they’re using their strength in numbers to save the…
806The Mission of Greyhound Pets of America
Greyhound adoption and rescue is just one part of the mission of Greyhound Pets of America. The organization also works to improve the lives of greyhounds everywhere through education, advocacy and legislation. Since 1983, Greyhound Pets of…
714The Animal Humane Society of New York
The Animal Humane Society of New York is the largest provider of animal services in the New York City metropolitan area. Our mission is to bring people and pets together, advance pet adoption, prevent pet cruelty, and promote animal health.…
806Keeping Rabbits in Your Home
Keeping rabbits as pets is a great way to give your home some extra cuteness and provide your kids with a fluffy playmate. If you’re thinking about buying a rabbit as a pet, or are interested in starting a breeding program, these tips will…
722Are Dogs the Most Popular Family Pet?
Dogs are the most popular pet in the United States. According to the American Pet Products Association, there are 66 million pet dogs in the United States. That’s almost half of the total number of pets in this country! Dogs are also…
886A Guide to Owning a Pet Ferret
Pet ownership is becoming more and more popular every day. Having a pet not only provides owners with companionship but also gives them a sense of responsibility. Pet ownership requires time, money, and patience, but the rewards are well…
753How to Care for a Gerbil
If you’ve ever owned a pet, you know how rewarding it can be. It’s one of those relationships that feels like it goes both ways. Your pet feels grateful to have you as their caretaker and will return the trust and love with unending…
761Everything You Need to Know About Guinea Pigs
Guinea pigs are lovable pets that make great companions. They’re low-maintenance pets, inexpensive to care for, and easy to handle. The American Humane Society has ranked the domesticated guinea pig as one of the best pets for kids. These…
733Do Mice Make Good Pets for Children?
Mice are small, curious and intelligent animals that make great pets. They’re also one of the most common pet rodents. But because they’re so popular as pets, many people have misconceptions about mice. Do they make good pets for…
831All You Need to Know About Keeping Hamsters
Are you looking for an adorable pet that can easily be cared for? Hamsters are great starter pets for people who have never owned a pet before. They are compact, easy to feed, and inexpensive to set up with habitat and accessories. If…
792What You Should Know About Tigers as Pets
Tigers are beautiful and majestic animals. While it is commonly known that owning any type of wild animal as a pet is illegal, many people are still willing to take the risk. They may frequently be seen on sites like Craigslist or social…
907Is it Legal to Keep a Cheetah at Home?
Keeping exotic pets is a privilege, not a right. There are laws and regulations regarding which kinds of animals may be kept as pets, where and how they may be acquired, and what kind of care must be provided to ensure the animal’s…
799General Care of a Savannah Cat
There are many reasons why someone might be interested in adopting a Savannah cat as their next pet. These beautiful, hybrid cats are known for their striking appearance and interesting mixture of features. They are also known to have a fairly…